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Sustainable CMF Design by Chris Lefteri


Wednesday the 24th May is a big day in the Workbench calendar as we are privileged to be hosting a Clerkenwell Design Week breakfast talk by Chris Lefteri.

Chris is a big hitter in the world of material technology and as a 'Led By Materials' Consultant, Speaker & Author, he runs a design studio that bridges the gap between the material industries and the design community. For anyone involved in the design industry his presentation offers a fascinating and authoritative insight into sustainable CMF design. His new report "2023 Guide to Sustainable CMF Design" has the potential to dramatically change our understanding and approach to material use and recycling.

"This report aims to bring clarity to the processes that are used for recycling some of the most common materials in product design today, as well as sharing insights for how to use recycled materials more efficiently and ensuring that recycling continues to improve in the future"

Chris will be speaking at the Workbench Showroom, 3 Sutton Lane, Clerkenwell, on Wednesday 24 May at 9:30am, breakfast will be provided.

This is a great opportunity to meet Chris and ask questions in an informal setting. Spaces are limited so hurry!

To book your place please email

You can download Chris’s report here…


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