This year Workbench were back!

Back to the office, the sales team hit the ground running and the design team were back, well, designing. Everything started to feel like it was back to normal. So, what did we do?
Launch new products for a start.
We were shortlisted at the Mixology awards for our new product designed alongside May Fawzy; the Spaceshifter, which quickly became a favourite amongst the team, with flexible solutions suited to all the different tastes in this office.
We can’t forget the launch of our new rise and fall AV table; Pogo. At Workbench we are here to solve problems first and foremost, and the Pogo did not disappoint.
As it was a year for firsts it’s only fitting to include Clerkenwell Design Week. A whirlwind of friendly faces, old and new streaming into our showroom for three fabulous days of socialising, learning and design.
We have said some,” good lucks” and “goodbyes” this year, but we have also welcomed new faces to the team, in addition to the office revamp and a website update!
This isn’t to say 2022 didn’t come with its fair share of hurdles, the cost of living being a big contender for first place. But for those who didn’t want their heating on at home and lights on all day, our office really has provided a warm working space for all.
Speaking of energy, we can’t forget the importance all things carbon has played on our business this year. From counting our carbon footprint, to developing a whole new initiative, Workbeyond. So as carbon reduction continues to be a focus for all of us, we can work together to keep our furniture part of the circular economy.
It’s time to bring on 2023!
Here’s a few more highlights of our favourite projects from 2022…